HTML and CSS fundamentals
Welcome to the "HTML and CSS Fundamentals" course, where you'll embark on an exciting journey into the core languages of web development. In this course, you will gain essential skills in structuring and styling web content, laying the foundation for creating visually appealing and functional websites.
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4 Lessons

In the first chapters, we'll dive into HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), exploring its structure, elements, and how it forms the backbone of every web page. You'll learn how to create well-organized documents, incorporate multimedia, and build interactive forms to gather user input.

Moving on to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), we'll unravel the secrets of styling and layout. From basic styling of text and colors to advanced techniques like Flexbox and Grid Layout, you'll master the art of crafting visually stunning web pages. We'll also delve into responsive web design principles, ensuring your creations look fantastic on screens of all sizes.

Throughout the course, you'll have hands-on opportunities to apply your knowledge. Practical exercises and real-world projects will reinforce your understanding, empowering you to build your web pages and see the immediate impact of your coding skills.

By the end of this course, you'll have a solid grasp of HTML and CSS fundamentals, setting the stage for your journey into the broader world of web development. Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to brush up on your skills, this course is your gateway to creating beautiful and functional websites.

Let's embark on this exciting learning adventure together!

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